Monday, June 25, 2012

June 25, 2012

I did not finish any craft projects over the weekend, but I did start a new one.. they are the cutest little crocheted flipflops and I'm trying to design them as I go, I need to finish the one for the other foot, but so far they are pretty cute.

Other things I did over the weekend:
Trimmed trees, worked in the garden, my green beans are blooming, as are my tomatoes, peaches are getting bigger.. and I will need to clip some of the lavender stems... they smell so good, did some deadhead work out in the flower beds... plus all of the inside stuff, vacuumed, swept up the floors, dusted, changed the sheets on the bed, hung them out to dry... ohhh, they smell so clean and fresh when I climbed into bed last night... laundry all done as well as the ironing.. yes I still iron... I like my clothes looking fresh and pressed (-:

All in all it was a busy and productive weekend... hubby is almost ready to put the doors on the chicken coop... then I will put some paint on it and it's already for the layers...

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